The south Dallas shopping center at Polk and Ledbetter continues to progress towards the finish line despite the rain. I was on site this morning as the crew tries to finish up the stucco before the next round of storms roll through. While there is still a ways to go before we get to see all the landscaping and finished building envelope, one exciting thing happening this week is the addition of parking lot trees. This huge shopping center was originally built in the 1980s with a vast concrete parking lot which I doubt was ever full. No thought was paid to softening this giant heat island with trees. The lot is regularly used as a cut-through to get from Polk to Ledbetter & then at night as a arena for joy-riding and cutting donuts.
As part of our infill project, we have broken up the vast concrete with landscaped islands. The trees arrived this week & already the difference can be felt on this hot & humid morning! Comments are closed.
October 2024